Light & Thin iPad Stand


  Today I have bought an iPad stand (see photo above) by Sanwa Supply at Bic Camera in Yurakucho, Tokyo. Though I have collected several kinds of iPad stands, this is the lightest and thinnest one. It also works well for my tablet PC. I paid 1,260 yen at Bic Camera, but at Amazon Japan, it costs only 991 yen.


  This iPad stand is like an origami - when you carry in your bag, it is like a flat rectangular (about 6" x 10", or 16 cm x 25 cm) and thin (3 mm thick) plastic board, and it is very light. When you use it, you fold it like an origami, and you can adjust the angle of the stand at three levels. As this origami stand is so light, it might seem, at first, expensive, as it is like paying 991 yen for a piece of plastic paper. With its foldable nature and light weight, however, I realize that it is worth paying for. As it is also so compact and does not take up space in the bag, it is so convenient to carry around in my bag. I use it with a wireless (bluetooth) keyboard.


  Sure, you can make your own origami stand with a cardboard with much cheaper price, but it would not be durable and good looking, unless you are good at making a craft like an art. Well, that is your choice.




Posted on Saturday April 14, 2012