Alas, I have to stop meeting with these karaoke hustlers for a drink or when they are not sober (see the photos above and below, all taken last night).
More and more beers turned these guys all into Binge Singers Out Of Tune (BSOOT) at a karaoke bar in our town! I missed the last train and walked home alone while they were still singing at the karaoke bar. I walked for more than 90 minutes (6 km plus).
The lady in the photo below is singing Let It Go in Japanese.
"The usual guy" below is merry and happy with beer as usual.
The man in the following youtube video looks like a binge karaoke singer, too.
BTW, I think Haruka Christine, a TV talent in Japan, is one of the best karaoke singers I have seen on TV. Watch the following video in which Haruka san sings Let It Go in Japanese (from 3:25).