Motivational Video for Students and Professionals


  This morning I happened to find this video, which turned out to be the best (and the shortest) pep talk for me, after reading tons of self-help books, watching videos in this field, and attending many motivational lectures. I'm sure that both college students and business persons will get benefits from it alike. 

  I'm also happy to hear from this video that famous writers like Murakami and Hemingway wake up at 4 am and immediately start working. I have been doing the same thing (by coincidence) by waking up at 4 am and catching the first train to commute for a health reason (for the increase of growth and other hormones by going to bed early and reducing stress caused by crowds, notably in the jam-packed train) since last February. I have recently started to feel better and healthier (I have lost nearly 7 kg over the past 2 and a half months without physical exercises -- just by going to bed early, waking up early, and start working soon!)