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Course Schedule
May 7 (Thu) 08:50-10:20
Week 1. Introduction and Geological Time (Part 1: Precambrian Era)
May 14 (Thu) 08:50-10:20
Week 2. Sedimentary Structures: Decoding the past climate & environmental change from the strata
May 21 (Thu) 08:50-10:20
Week 3: Fossils, with environmental and chronological information
May 28 (Thu) 08:50-10:20
Week 4. Earth's History (Part 2: Paleozoic Era)
June 4 (Thu) 08:50-10:20
Week 5. Earth's History (Part 3: Mesozoic Era)
June 11 (Thu) 08:50-10:20
Week 6. Earth's History (Part 4: Cenozoic Era)